What we have learned from the experience of Traditional Chinese Medicine Doctors who have treated COVID-19

By Laurel Redmon, M.S., L.Ac., Lic Herbalist

In the Chinese Medical paradigm, COVID-19 fits into an ancient category of diseases called pestilence. Chinese Medical disease categories far predate microscopy, yet the herbal agents used historically have proven functions including antibacterial and antiviral, among others.

There is no single formula for COVID-19. Rather, many formulas respond to different constitutions, complications and stages of the disease process.

One of the most crucial of these stages is pre-disease or prevention. This is the time to take steps to remediate risk factors like hypertension, blood sugar dysfunction, obesity and heart disease. Besides this, the strategy is to increase immunity by strengthening the respiratory and digestive organ systems. We need to maximize both red and white blood cell counts, and ameliorate stress: chemical, emotional, physical and so forth.
The most famous formula for this purpose is Yu Ping Feng San, or Jade Windscreen. Medicinal mushroom blends can accomplish this end as well. 2 to 3 half droppers full of tincture twice daily between meals is what we recommend. We have the above mentioned formula in stock, in addition to our Mushroom Power which contains ingredients wild crafted on our farm in Wisconsin.

If for whatever reason a pathogen is able to penetrate through the Jade Windscreen, manifesting in initial symptoms of sore throat and malaise, another famous formula is applicable: Yin Qiao San. We call it Clear Wind Heat, based on its therapeutic actions. This formula can mitigate many symptoms of colds and flu, often curtailing the duration of illness. Our Clear Wind Heat formula features Isatis in addition to the famous classical combination of Forsythia and Honeysuckle. All three of these ingredients have antiviral properties and were studied extensively during the SARS epidemic and before.

If pathogens are allowed to penetrate deeper into the interior of the body, the situation can become more critical. This is the stage when people are hospitalized with severe difficulty breathing. A simple formula that was used in Wu Han, China addresses this stage: Gua Lou Xie Bai Ban Xia Tang. One aspect of this stage is chest pain and potentially increased cardiovascular involvement. For this reason, some Chinese doctors included the ingredient Dan Shen, Red Sage root. This herb increases the function of the lungs to exchange oxygen and protects the heart. The formula as a whole ventilates the lungs, transforms phlegm, and treats Chest Bi (pain). It helps the patient breathe in a crucial stage of the illness. We currently have this formula in stock.

Traditional Chinese doctors treating COVID-19 over the winter in China came up with a new formula that seemed to address many symptoms and patterns that patients experienced. It was a mash up of several classical formulas, and named Qing Fei Pai Du Tang, which roughly means “Clear Lungs and alleviate toxins decoction”. We are currently making high quality decocted and extracted tincture of this formula and should have in stock by 4/16/20.

Finally, another famous classical formula has been used to good effect in China: Xiao Chai Hu Tang. This formula is in the harmonizing category. It was crafted with a spare elegance. The scope of gastrointestinal and respiratory syndromes it can treat is immense. It does this by helping the body “go back to normal”.

Typically in the end stages of an illness, symptoms can linger. Residual heat and dampness can couple with fatigue and a weakened system overall. This formula treats the symptoms that are still nagging but also provides some strengthening tonic herbs to get the person’s system up and running properly again. It can reduce fever and nausea, for example, and harmonize digestion. We currently have this formula in stock.

*We are not providing this information as a substitute for medical care or intervention. These protocols were employed in conjunction with modern medical treatments in China. Here in the U.S. these herbal therapies are most helpful and practical for patients that are treating their illness at home.

These formulas are available at our online shop: https://redsagehealth.com/shop/ or by calling our Madison clinic. 608-251-2470

Further scholarly reading about the formulas:

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