This tonic is based on the most commonly prescribed insomnia treatment in China. Its mechanism of action is not to sedate but rather nourish the blood of the heart. This function is associated with the treatment principle of “calming the spirit”, indicated in anixiety disorders, ADD, insomnia or even healing from bereavement or a broken heart. Both main ingredients, reishi mushrooms and red sage root have shown laboratory promise in treating physical cardiovascular problems, including angina pectoris, Reynaud’s syndrome, and reducing stroke risk. A mild and nutrifying formula with profound effects, even children can benefit from Restful Mind.
Contains extracted and decocted Ye Jiao Teng, Suan Zao Ren, Wu Wei Zi, Dan Shen, Ling Zhi, grain alcohol (~18% by volume), distilled water and vegetable glycerin.
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